Curriculum Development, Instructional Design, and Pedagogy
Supporting education and innovation.
My teaching philosophy, which I incorporate into every course I design, develop, or teach, whether on-ground, online, or hybrid, is a culmination of twenty plus years of teaching in academic environments and twelve years teaching in corporate learning environments and relies on components of knowledge acquisition, knowledge integration, and ultimately knowledge application to the real world – knowledge, skill, and practice – as outlined by Robert Gagne’
Curriculum Development
I use the ADDIE - analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluation model for curriculum development. A generic, systematic, step‐by‐step framework used to ensure curriculum does not occur in a haphazard, unstructured way.
Instructional Design
I use Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Understanding by Design (UbD) as models for instructional design. Working backward from the ‘big idea” in the learning to how the learning will be assessed and how the learning will be presented, leveraging multiple modalities of content delivery, multiple methods of assessment, producing interactive, engaging, accessible and inclusive coursework.
Using Gagne’s Conditions of Learning - five categories of learning outcome and nine instructional events - I teach each of my courses in order to leverage verbal information and intellectual skills to develop cognitive strategies.
·Conducted high impact, applied research focused on the impact of downsizing on corporate financial success, leadership communication, and pedagogy in the liberal arts classroom with 10 publications in international journals, an additional 3 in preparation, and 5 conference presentations. Write more informally about education, psychology, and leadership in blog format.

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me
and I learn”
-Ben Franklin
Feel free to contact me with any questions.